Unasylva - Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2003-2011 - v.: 28 cm. - yılda 4 - vol.54 no.212-215 (2003)-

Library has: vol.54 no.212-215 (2003) -- vol.56 no.220-222 (2005) -- vol.57 no.223-225 (2006) -- vol.58 no.226-229 (2007) -- vol.60 no.231-232 (2009) -- vol.62 no.237-238 (2011)

Provides information about forestry and forest industries.

0041-6436 = Unasylva.

Forests and forestry--Periodicals
Ormanlar ve ormancılık --Süreli yayınlar

634.903 / UNA

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