Guidelines on the use of Registers and Administrative Data for Population and Housing Censuses - New York Geneva UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 2018 - 150 p.

United Nations publication issued by the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)

Scope of the new UNECE guidelines and definitions or register-based and combined censuses, Essential features of a population and housing cencus, Considerations when transforming from a traditional census to a register-based or combined census, Common framework for registers-based and combined censuses, Data sources and their quality, Linkage and transformation, Statistical registers, Output quality, Approaches and case studies from different countries, Annexes: Case Studies; A Ireland, B Estonia, C Poland, D Austria, E Slovenia, F Portugal, G England, H Italy, I Germany

978-92-1-117182-2 978-92-1-047484-9


351.002 UNE 2018

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