THE COLLAPSE OF A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION-Death Fasts and the Bloody Past of the DHKP/C - Turkey; Internal Security Strategies Department of Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Interior 2020 - 74 p.; 30cm.

1. Revolutionary People's Liberation Part/Front (DHKP/C)
2. Legal-Looking Illegal Structures
2.1. İdil Cultural Center
2.2. Grup Yorum
2.3. Peopl's Law Bureau(HHB)
2.4. Civil Society and the DHKP/C
2.4.1. Association for Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
2.4.2. Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Prisoners' Families (TAYAD)
2.4.3. Federation of Youth Associations (DEV/GENÇ)
3. Death Fasts: Kill or Die, There is no other way
3.1. Operation return to Life
4. Who are on Death Fast?
5.Death Fast Actions on Social Media; The DHKP/C, Grup Yorum and Supports
6. The Bloody Past of the DHKP/C

This study Examines the DHKP/C terrorist Prganization in general terms

Terrorist Organizations
Terör Örgütleri

322.409561 MIN 2020

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