International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2003 Making the Global Economy Work for All. - Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. - 232 p. ; 24 cm - Annual Report of the Executive Board; 2003. . - Annual Report of the Executive Board; 2003. .

This 2003 Annual Report highlights that during FY2003, the IMF held bilateral (country) discussions with 136 members. It also took a number of steps to enhance the effectiveness of its surveillance and crisis prevention work. Among these efforts, it continued to develop a system to assess countrieśђة vulnerability to balance-of-payments crises. The Executive Board proposed improvements to assessment exercises under the IMF́ђةs standards and codes initiative and the joint IMF-World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), and supported proposals to enhance data provision for surveillance.

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Access to international capital
Uluslararası sermayeye erişim
Financial market.
Financial market integrity.
Financial markets.
Financial organizations.
Financial policies.
Financial regulation.
Financial resources.
Financial sector.
Financial sector activities.
Financial sector standards.
Financial sector supervision.
Financial sectors.
Financial services.
Financial soundness.
Financial stability.
Financial statements.
Financial structure.
Financial system.
Financial systems.
Fiscal stabilizers.
Free trade.
Free trade area.
General resources account.
Global bond.
Global bond market.
Global integration.
Global markets.
Government bond.
Government bond market.
Government bond yields.
Government bonds.
Government deficits.
Government finance.
Government finance statistics.
Heavily indebted country.
Hong kong monetary authority.
Imf credit outstanding.
Impact analysis.
Impact of policies.
Indebted country.
Indexed bonds.
Information sharing.
Institutional reforms.
Integration efforts.
Integrity standards.
Interest rate policy.
Interest rate risk.
Internal trade.
Internal trade liberalization.
International bond.
International bond issues.
International bonds.
International capital.
International capital markets.
International currencies.
International finance.
International finance corporation.
International financial architecture.
International financial community.
International financial institutions.
International financial markets.
International financial statistics.
International financial system.
International monetary system.
International reserves.
International standards.
Investor confidence.
Laundered money.
Leave of absence.
Legal frameworks.
Liberal trade.
Liberalizing trade.
Liquid liabilities.
Liquidity ratio.
Living standards.
Loan disbursement.
Loan disbursements.
Local bond.
Local bond markets.
Local languages.
Long-term debt.
Long-term debt sustainability.
Macroeconomic framework.
Market bond.
Market integrity.
Market participants.
Market research firm.
Member country.
Monetary authority.
Monetary fund.
Monetary system.
Monetary union.
Money demand.
Money laundering.
Money markets.
Moral hazard.
Multilateral context.
Multilateral creditors.
Multilateral trade.
Multilateral trade liberalization.
Multilateral trade negotiations.
National accounts.
National bank.
National poverty reduction strategies.
Neighboring countries.
Net debtor.
Net debtors.
Net exports.
Net present value.
Net present value of debt.
Nontariff barriers.
Official creditors.
Oil exporters.
Oil prices.
Oil revenues.
Open market.
Organized crime.
Outstanding drawings.
Policy conditionality.
Portfolio investment.
Portfolio of bonds.
Poverty monitoring.
Poverty reduction strategy.
Poverty reduction strategy paper.
Present value.
Price fluctuations.
Price stability.
Principal repayments.
Private creditors.
Public access.
Public debt.
Public debt management.
Public finance.
Public finances.
Public relations.
Public sector debt.
Public speaking.
Reducing barriers.
Reform agenda.
Reform program.
Reform programs.
Regional integration.
Regional training center.
Regulatory regime.
Relief mechanisms.
Reserve asset.
Reserve assets.
Reserve bank.
Reserve holdings.
Reserve management.
Reserve positions.
Reserve requirement.
Reserve requirements.
Retirement plan.
Salary adjustments.
Sale of government bonds.
Sdr allocations.
Sdr charges.
Sdr holdings.
Sdr operations.
Sdr transactions.
Sdr valuation.
Sdr valuation basket.
Sector budget.
Securities regulation.
Social impact analysis.
Social safety nets.
Sovereign bond.
Sovereign bond market.
Sovereign bonds.
Sovereign borrowers.
Sovereign debt.
Sovereign debt restructuring.
Sovereign debts.
Stabilization programs.
Staff retirement plan.
Stock market.
Stock markets.
Stock of debt.
Stock prices.
Structural conditionality.
Supervisory agencies.
Supervisory arrangements.
Surveillance review.
Tariff peaks.
Tariff rates.
Terms of trade.
Terrorism financing.
Terrorist attacks.
Terrorist financing.
Trade area.
Trade in services.
Trade liberalization.
Trade negotiations.
Trade openness.
Trade policies.
Trade reform.
Trade rules.
Trade volume.
Trading partners.
Traditional debt relief.
Traditional debt relief mechanisms.
Training activities.
Training activity.
Training center.
Training courses.
Training institute.
Training institutes.
Training program.
Training programs.
Transition countries.
Transition economies.
Valuation of currencies.
Vulnerability to shocks.
World economy.
World growth.
World trade.
World trade organization.

Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of.
Congo, Democratic Republic of the.
Iran, Islamic Republic of.
Sri Lanka.
United States.

341.751 / INT 2003

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