Normal görünüm MARC görünümü

Old age pensions (Topical Term)

Bu otorite hiç bir kayıtta kullanılmamış.
Tercih edilmiş form: Old age pensions
Kullanıldığı yer/buradan bakınız:
  • Employees Pensions
  • OASI (Old age and survivors insurance)
  • Old age and survivors insurance
  • Older people Pensions
  • Retirement pensions
  • Survivors' benefits (Old age pensions)
Ayrıca bakınız:

Here are entered works on regular payments of money to individuals who have retired from employment because of age, including payments to survivors upon the death of the retiree. Works on benefits from any source, public or private, made to survivors, are entered under Survivors' benefits.

Note under Survivors' benefits

This software was implemented, installed by Devinim Software Training Consulting .